Game Maker Mac Download

For Apple Macintosh Computers

(c)1995-2011 by Al Staffieri Jr.

Document revised 8/10/11

* Update your version to v3.9.95. Download thepatch.

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GameMaker Info

  • Latest Version: 3.9.95
  • Release Date: 8/08/11
  • Minimum Requirements: MacOS X 10.1 or better

What is GameMaker

GameMaker is an easy to use card based development systemwhich allows you to create adventure games with graphics, buttons, andtext. There is no programming required, but it does have a scriptinglanguage which can be used to make better games. For beginners, justdraw some pictures, type some text, click a few buttons, choose someoptions... and an adventure game is created! When you are ready to getmore advanced, you can add some additional features to your game byusing the simple scripting language to use sprites, play movie files,do actions based on player choices and variables, etc. You canthen compile your game into a real application that you can upload andlet others download and play. There are no royalties to pay, so make asmany games as you like.

Unreal Engine 4.27 is released! Creators across all industries have something to celebrate with this release: In‑camera VFX goes next-level with a slew of improvements, while other highlights include path tracing for stunning final images, out-of-the-box access to Oodle and Bink, production-ready Pixel Streaming, and much more. Latest Version: 3.9.95; Release Date: 8/08/11; Minimum Requirements: MacOS X 10.1 or better. What is GameMaker. GameMaker is an easy to use card based development system which allows you to create adventure games with graphics, buttons, and text. Game Maker is a powerful tool that allows you to create your own games in simple format and simple visuals within having any prior knowledge to programming. You will be able to design games with your own graphics, sounds, and effects or you can utilize the ones from Game. Create smaller app bundles, enable faster downloads, and add up to 20 GB of additional content hosted on the App Store. Game Maker Games For Mac Free Apple Arcade We’re looking for games that redefine games. If you’re working on a groundbreaking, unreleased game and would like it to be considered for Apple Arcade, we’d love to hear from.

If you have v3.4 or higher and MacOS X 10.1 or higher, thendownload: GameMakerUpdate 3.4->3.9.95
If you are not registered then download: GameMakerv3.9.95 Demo
If you have a version older than v3.4 you can contact me at:

The 8.0 version of Game Maker for Mac is available as a free download on our website. Our antivirus analysis shows that this Mac download is safe. The actual developer of this Mac application is YoYo Games Ltd. The most popular version of the application is 7.5. Game Maker for Mac relates to Games.

GameMaker is $20. There are several ways to order GameMaker. NOTE:I amno longer using for orders.

Option #1. Order onlineusing

Game maker mac download free

Option #2. Print out the order form from the 'PrintRegistration'menu item under the 'Run' menu in the Demo version of GameMaker or ifyoucan't print out the form, write your name, address, E-mail address, andashort note saying that you want to register GameMaker on a pieceofpaper and mail it with a check or Money Order drawn on a US bank for$20to:

v3.9.95 - 8/08/11

  • FIX: Clicking on Al's Home Page in the Internet menu was notcorrectly linking to the page.
  • FIX: In OS X 10.6 after accessing external files, a 'Can't accesstemporary file' error would occur causing GameMaker to not be able tosave the project.
  • FIX: When importing graphics files, all files are now shown asavailable for importing.
  • MOD: SPRITEPATH command was missing from the help text.
  • NEW: Added SPRITECOLLIDE syntax to test if sprite is touching aspecified area or coordinate.

v3.9.94 - 6/12/09

  • FIX: Using the command INVENTORY WINDOW made the inventory listinvisble in certain situations.
  • FIX: Using EXIT REPEAT inside an IF THEN structure was causing ascript error in compiled games.
  • FIX: Only 25 sounds could be shown in the Sound window. Itshould have been able to show up to 50 sounds and now does.

v3.9.93 - 2/08/09

  • FIX: There was still a REPEAT bug that caused an error whenchanging cards from inside a REPEAT loop with GOTOCARD command.
  • FIX: A change in the graphics copying routines caused crasheswhen using Undo menu or the selection tool.

v3.9.92 - 1/30/09

  • FIX: Using REPEAT with a negative number resulted in an infiniteloop. All REPEAT loops will now execute at least once even if thevariable is less than 1.
  • FIX: Additional fixes for any remaining REPEAT bugs.
  • FIX: PRINT text wasn't showing up until the entire script wascompleted.
  • FIX: The 'Do on mouse down' option in click areas did not workcorrectly in compiled games.
  • MOD: Increase the maximum lines of code to 750.
  • MOD: Updated internet links to point to

v3.9.91 - 8/23/08

  • FIX: There was a bug in compiled games that wouldn't show morethan 10 sprites.
  • FIX: REFRESH TEXT did not erase the card text if the originalcard text was blank.
  • FIX: The PRINT command wasn't printing text in compiled games ifa semicolon was used at the end of the text.
  • FIX: Adding strings together was not always adding the stringscorrectly.
  • FIX: SPRITECOLLIDE was returning true even if one of the spriteswas hidden.
  • FIX: There were still some cases where the line after END REPEATwas not being run.
  • FIX: There was a 'Nested REPEAT' error when running a 2nd repeatloop inside an ON event structure (On MOUSEDOWN, ON MOUSEUP, ON TIMER,ON KEYDOWN).

v3.9.9 - 1/17/08

  • FIX: A bug in the Applescript code made sprites flash anddisappear when a script was finished running.
  • FIX: The text field no longer flashes when multiple PRINTcommands are used.
  • FIX: The MOVIE command was not showing the movie at the correctlocation (was always 0 0)
  • FIX: There was a bug in FILEIO WRITE that was not always savingto the proper folder.
  • FIX: The END command with no parameters (to end the game) wasnot working.
  • MOD: Remove quotes from text returned in END APPLESCRIPT.
  • MOD: WINDOW TEXT loads text files faster.
  • MOD: The maximum number of sprites on the screen has beenincreased from 10 to 20.

v3.9.8 - 11/03/07

  • FIX: A new bug in WINDOW TEXT wasn't displaying contents of atext file if the file didn't contain end of line characters.
  • FIX: There was a disappearing sprite bug in card scripts if theprevious card layout was the same as the current card.
  • FIX: The REPEAT and possibly other block structures were runningsome code fragments of their structures when they were in IF blockssections that should not be exectuted because the IF section was nottrue.
  • FIX: The MouseDown built in variable was always returning 0inside TIMER, MOUSEUP, and MOUSEDOWN structures.
  • FIX: Another bug with movies, sprites, etc not always displayingdepending on if they are in a folder or not.
  • FIX: Recompile with new FB compiler to fix possible crashes whenrunning in new OS versions.
  • MOD: Now requires OS X. GameMaker will no longer run inClassic/OS 9.
  • NEW: You can now pass variables to applescript in the BEGINAPPLESCRIPT command using BEGIN APPLESCRIPT var1 var2

v3.9.7 - 9/1/07

  • FIX: Selecting 'Window at Top' in the Game Options windowdisplayed the wrong window size.
  • FIX: Cursor names were not showing up in the pop up menu in theClick Area Options window.
  • NEW: CLEAR PICT command clears the card picture.

v3.9.6 - 8/23/07

  • FIX: Any remaining bugs with Select All and then pasting apicture from the clipboard should really be fixed now.
  • FIX: The ALERT command was showing garbage text if the text todisplay was an empty string.
  • FIX: When running a game in the editor, if the New menu wasselected after an ALERT was displayed, the game would stop running andswitch back to editing mode.
  • FIX: An old bug resurfaced that would not display files infolders with IMAGEFILE, SPRITE, MOVIE commands.
  • FIX: Cursors were not always being saved to the compiled gamesand thus not available to be shown in compiled games.
  • FIX: If a cursor other than the standard arrow cursor was inuse, it was not getting reset to the arrow cursor when starting a newgame.
  • FIX: The current cursor in use was not being saved to playerssaved games and was unable to be set correctly when the game was laterloaded to continue play.
  • FIX: An 'IF x$ = ' ' THEN xx' would return 'IF without THEN'error if x$ contained only space characters.
  • FIX: Click areas were not being displayed when the Click Areatool was selected and the user switched to another card.
  • FIX: Block command structures inside a SELECT CASE that were notexecuted because the CASE was not true was returning errors.
  • FIX: DOMENU QUIT was not always asking to save even if the'Don't use save alert' option was not selected.
  • FIX: Having multiple REPEAT blocks inside a TIMER block wasreturning an error.
  • FIX: The window created with WINDOW TEXT was displaying linefeed characters in the text file instead of breaking to the next line.
  • MOD: Placement of most OK and Cancel buttons reorganized to moreclosely follow Apple guidelines.
  • NEW: CurrentCard built in variable returns the current card.
  • NEW: ASC command returns the ASCII value of a character.

v3.9.5 - 3/01/07

  • FIX: When using paint tools, If you use the edit menu to SelectAll and then delete, some paint tools wouldn't work correctly unlessyou painted a dot or put a picture on the card.
  • FIX: Using END SELECT inside a IF structure was returning an ENDSELECT without SELECT error if the part of the IF structure where theEND SELECT was placed was not being executed.
  • FIX: Adding strings together caused an error if the length ofthe new string was more than 255 characters. The new string is nowtruncated to 255 characters.
  • FIX: The Paint Bucket tool was not working correctly on someMacs with OS X 10.4.x.
  • NEW: TIMER x can be used to change the amount of time in atimer.

v3.9.4 - 2/05/07

  • FIX: The kagi store link in the Demo version has been updated.
  • FIX: In OS 9, the movie picture disappeared if the window laterneeded to be refreshed.
  • FIX: The SELECT CASE command didn't correctly check fornumerical variables. It only checked for either an actual number orstrings.
  • FIX: Saving the project file did not always save the 'LoopScript' card option to the file.
  • FIX: The keydown$ variable and KEYDOWN code block structure werenot getting reset after a new game was started or a saved game wasopened.
  • FIX: Some block structures did not work or returned syntaxerrors if they were inside other block structures.
  • MOD: The 'Requires QuickTime' option has been updated to includenewer versions of QuickTime.
  • MOD: ON KEYDOWN now returns case sensitive characters inKeyDown$ rather than only upper-case characters.
  • NEW: The Delete/backspace key now works with ON KEYDOWN byreturning a 'DELETE' string.
  • NEW: LoopScript builtin variable to check if code has looped yetor not in card scripts.
  • NEW: UCASE$ command sets a string to all upper-case characters.

v3.9.3 - 8/31/06

  • FIX: REFRESH was not clearing the text area in compiled games ifthere was no text originally on the card.
  • FIX: REFRESH was not always updating the card layout correctlyif used in card scripts.
  • FIX: Playing movies with QuickTime 7 or higher installed causedGameMaker to crash.
  • MOD: STOPALERT commands are converted to CAUTIONALERT becauseSTOPALERT is not available in OS X.

v3.9.2 - 8/06/06

  • FIX: There was a bug that was drawing the wrong size framearound the window if the status bar or counter was hidden using scriptcommands.
  • FIX: A bug in INVENTORY WINDOW did not correctly display theinventory if the command was used in a card script.
  • FIX: The EXIT command was not always exiting a structure orscript correctly.
  • FIX: Pressing <COMMAND> + <PERIOD> was quittingcompiled games. This is now disabled.
  • FIX: Click Areas would not always work correctly if 'LoopScript' option was used in the card script.
  • FIX: Using SELECT CASE structures sometimes incorrectly caused a'Nested SELECT CASE not allowed' error.
  • FIX: Sprite information was not being saved to players savedgame files.
  • MOD: The NOTE command is now asyncronous (script continues torun while the sound is being played), but will still wait beforeplaying if a previous sound is already playing.
  • MOD: No Classic version. Now requires CarbonLib 1.6 with OS 8.6or better or OS X.
  • NEW: The Internet menu in GameMaker now has links to the UsersGuide and message board forums.
  • NEW: You can hide the cursor by using SETCURSOR with anynegative number.
  • NEW: ON KEYDOWN command structure.
  • NEW: FILEEXISTS command.

If you're experiencing bugs or problems with GameMaker, first makesure you'reusing the latest version. See the Latest Updates sectionto download the update patch for your version.

I downloaded GameMaker, but It says I need an application to runit.

GameMaker is a Macintosh application and requires the user to have anAppleMacintosh computer. It will not run on any version of Windows. Currentversionsare compressed as zip archives. They should be able to be extractedsimplyby double clicking on them after making sure the file has the 3 letterextensionof .zip. Previous versions of GameMaker were compressed as StuffItarchives(.sit file). StuffIt is the older Mac standard of compressing files fortheweb before OS X came along. You can open those compressed archivesusingthe free StuffIt Expander which you can download from

Is there a Windows version of GameMaker available?

No. There might be one at some point in the future, but there isn't oneatthis time.

I'm not a registered user. How do I get the full version?

See the Ordering GameMaker section above.

Why should I register?

Once you become a registered user, I will send you the latest fullversionof GameMaker which lets you have up to 750 lines of code per script(theunregistered version is limited to 15 lines of code per script),removesthe nag windows that ask you to register, and can compile your gamesintoreal stand alone Mac applications that can be run without the need forGameMakeror any game player type of program.

Can I get the full version for free?

No. Please don't ask me to send it to you for free. I can't acceptsoftwaretrades either. I'm not trying to be mean to you, but I spend a largeamountof time and my own money to constantly update this software and providesupportfor it.


Can I charge shareware fees for games that I make?

Yes. If you are a registered user of the full version, you can chargefeesfor your games. You can send your games to anyone or upload them to anyinternetlocation or online service that allows uploads. However, you are NOTallowedto give away or charge money for GameMaker itself.

How do I use the inventory, status bar, midi files, counter, anyother feature?

Game Maker Mac Download

There is a new GameMaker Guide web page that discuses various features.Pleasevisit the GameMaker Guide page to see ifyourquestion is answered there.

Can v3.x open documents created with a previous version?

GameMaker v3.x can open game files made with any version of GameMakerasfar back as v1.5.

Do I need other software to run GameMaker or compiled games?

No. GameMaker is an application. No other software is needed to useGameMaker.Games created with GameMaker can be compiled into stand aloneapplicationsso that no other software is needed to run them.

Application I created won't launch or shows wrong icon

In some cases, after creating an application, you may need to close thefolderand reopen it for the Finder to properly recognize the new application.Ifthat doesn't work then you may need to rebuild the desktop. To rebuildthedesktop press the Option & Command keys while restarting yourcomputer.

If you don't see your problem listed here or above,pleasevisit the Tech Support page or E-mailme

Late Breaking News

The notes below are for GameMaker v3.9.95. If you're using an olderversion,please get the latest update here.

8/10/11 -Application icons for GameMaker and compiled gamesare not being shown correctly in OS X 10.6. They are shown asdefault application icons. Status:Unable to fix at this time.

8/10/11 -GameMaker does not run in OS X 10.7 Lion. Status: Unable to fix at this time.This will be corrected in a future update.

Known Issues For All Versions

  • Version 3.x may still have some problems when encountering afull disk (unconfirmed because we haven't been anywhere near having afull disk in several years). It is highly recommended that you use aHard drive with at least several Mb of free disk space and always keepa backup copy of any game you're working on.
  • There is approximately a 16Mb file size limit for GameMakerfiles. Creating a project that is larger than 16Mb can cause GameMakerto crash. This is a Macintosh resource file limit so I can't fix thiseasily. Future versions will eventually use multiple data files tocorrect this problem. If you are experiencing a disappearing cardpicture, then you've probably reached the file size limit. Try using GMToolkit to compress your game pictures or use external graphics fileswith either the IMAGEFILE or SPRITE commands.
  • GameMaker will not run on locked or read only media such as aCD. If you recieved GameMaker on CD, drag the entire folder to yourhard drive and run it from there.

Other Problems

If you have any other questions, comments, or problems, please fill outtheform on the Tech Support page or E-mailmeat

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Game Maker 8.1 For Mac Download

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GameMaker has helped developers create much-loved and multi-million seller games such as:
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Workspace EditorImage EditorSprite EditorObject EditorRoom EditorTileset EditorSequence EditorDebugger


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